About Suku Directory

Suku Directory is a meta search engine that collects results from other search engines without storing any information about its users.

The main reason for this project is the increasing privacy concerns among internet users and the censorship policies of governments. We aim to make the internet accessible, secure, fast and free for everyone.

For a better Suku, for a better internet:

Why Suku?

In short;

How do I make Suku my default search engine?

You can check the documentation that suits you to change your browser’s default search engine:

After completing the instructions, you can enjoy your new search engine!

How does Suku Directory work?

Suku Directory is a fork of the SearXNG project. We would like to point out that it is still under development and that the version you are currently accessing is Suku Directory Beta.

Suku Directory is a meta search engine. It does not currently have its own search database. Similarly, there is no crawler bot and it does not scan sites. Instead, it anonymously (without revealing your IP address) sends your search queries to search engines and transfers the output obtained from the query to the user. Your device does not establish any connection with other search engines.

You can view anonymous usage statistics on the relevant page: stats page

Expected features for future versions